No, you need an active internet connection to use the application.

Yes, you can open a template and then save it to the "Projects" folder

Yes, navigate to the "Tutorials" button in the lower menu in the builder (after you open the template).

You can easily do this on your iPhone. Go to the gallery, open a photo, hold and press on the object, and it will be cut automatically. Save the file and then add it to Slibe.

You can add music after exporting the video directly in Instagram or TikTok.

Currently, you can only add photos to your videos. The ability to add videos is coming soon! Make sure you always update your app to avoid missing new features.

You don't need to delete the placeholders. Simply press export; the placeholder won't be visible after rendering your video.

Try removing some animations or deleting some text titles. Animations and titles significantly affect render time

Unfortunately, we are currently working on the layers feature, which will be available soon. For now, you can duplicate a text layer to make it appear above other titles, or simply add your media once again through the "Add Media" button to place it over the rest. This way, all newly added elements will be on top.

Select the photo, go to the "crop" menu, and press "fit photo." See the "Adding Photos" tutorial for more guidance.

Currently, video duration is limited to 15 seconds. This is sufficient for most ad types you can create in Slibe. However, we are working on new features, and soon you will be able to create videos with no time limit.

Go to "Settings" and then select "Feedback."